Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Point Rosee. Were the Norse there? October 17, 2017

This is satellite imagery of Point Rosee in southwestern Newfoundland, a site discovered by Sarah Parcak using remote sensing. She identified it as an area of interest due to the discoloration and the rectilinear and circular, L-shaped features that can be made out in the image suggesting man-made structures reminiscent of Norse (Viking) culture. This was a research/documentary collaboration (Vikings Unearthed) with BBC and several other television stations to use satellite imagery to look for potential Norse sites south of the only known settlement in North America (L'Anse aux Meadows). The darker areas of the image indicated the possibility of turf structures under the surface because this would affect the growth of vegetation (infrared sensing of vegetation). An exploratory dig was conducted in 2015 and the results lead to a 2016 excavation season. What I found interesting about this was how this research was portrayed in the media. It began as a documentary project, so it already started out with bias. The initial findings seemed to be sensationalized in a lot of media outlets making Point Rosee appear as a newly discovered Norse Settlement but just waiting on further confirmation with further excavation. But in reality, there were initial findings that showed potential and a second dig was led in 2016 resulting with inconclusive evidence, and with some of the initial findings found to more likely be a result of natural processes. The site requires further analysis and excavation; there are a number of possibilities but there may never be conclusive evidence to determine if Point Rosee was a settlement, a work camp, a stopover, etc. But this does not make for exciting news.  I also found there were several contradictory statements about the site amongst different articles such as Point Rosee being a bad location for the Vikings versus it being an ideal location. There seemed to be a lot of misleading and bias present which I would expect when science is purposed for popular culture consumption. It was difficult to get an overview of what actually was happening with this site and what the results were. I had to go through tens of news outlets and videos. However a huge takeaway was the methodology of using satellite imagery to identify possible archeological sites. 


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