Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Brick Kiln in India: Using satellite imagery to fight modern slavery

This image is taken from an article in Science which discusses how analysts at the Rights Lab in the UK are using satellite imagery to identify signs of slavery around the world. This particular image is centered on a brick kiln, made recognizable by its brown color and ovular shape which stand out amidst the surrounding agricultural fields. Since brick kilns are often run using forced labor, identifying their locations can help human rights defenders crack down on slaveholders. The image was obtained from one of the DigitalGlobe satellites; these satellites have very high resolution, which provides adequate detail for identifying such features. Given that brick kilns number into the tens of thousands in South Asia, the Rights Lab is now training artificial intelligence to identify the kilns, allowing for much quicker identification. The article concludes with a discussion on how other satellites or spectral signatures could be used.

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