This image shows the city of Palu, Indonesia before and
after the 7.5 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that occurred on
September 28th. Exemplifying the impact of this disaster, we see the
drastically increased sediment load washing out of the river. This is
identified by the shift in the water color from brownish-blue to a distinct
earthen-brown. Comparing the coastline in the two images, large swaths of beach
and structures have completely disappeared. Upon closer look, the bridge at the
mouth of the river has either collapsed or is flooded, which has implications
on access to emergency services and transportation. Along the perimeter of the
city there are also clear signs of landslides; where buildings once stood we
now only see brown earth. While this image does not give an on the ground look
of the devastation individuals are facing in the wake of this disaster, it is
important because it gives us a larger city-wide view of the destruction. The
large plume of sediment washing away also has implications for the state of the
landscape in areas not included in this image, further upstream.