Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sea-level rise in Louisiana

The USGS says sea-level rise and sinking could claim up to 4,677 square miles of land along the coast if the state doesn’t implement major restoration plans.

This website by ProPublica is a longform interactive piece on the loss of Louisiana's coastline. It is not just one image, but rather a series of images in multiple places that tells the powerful story of land loss over the last 80 years. The most compelling use of aerial/satellite imagery on this website is the comparison of imagery over time. Because the land loss happened incrementally, locals did not notice that it was happening as the years went by. But comparing photos over time, it is easy to see how drastic the changes are; it is almost as if you can see the land sinking. The satellite imagery highlights the importance of taking measures to prevent the Louisiana coast from completely disappearing due to erosion and rising sea levels.

Posted by Robin Tolochko


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Here is more on the actual practice of remote sensing in the news:

    The Tow Center has been working with ProPublica to understand the relationship between sensors and journalism, and the work on Louisiana's "Losing Ground" which Robin shared is one part of that. The articles above cover how the imagery was made. My research is on the use of different technologies to understand and act on land loss in Louisiana, so this was of interest to me.
