I thought this was an interesting image. At first
I assumed this was a village that may have been flooded. At first
glance there appears to be buildings underwater to me. However, when I
looked into it, it turns out this is a fishing village built on stilts.
This is the Ko Panyi Village in Thailand. It was originally built by
Indonesian fisherman back in the 18th century. You can see
white spots on the water which I assume are boats creating wakes as
there is little other way to move from place to place in an area like
this other than boat. This is a very old village that has withstood the
test of time. It makes me wonder why it was built. There is land
surrounding this village that it may have been able to build on way back
when. There even appears to be a building on the right side of the
river on the shore as well as one above the village. What could have
happened that the idea of building a village on stilts was better than
building on the land?
Information source: http://www.thaiwaysmagazine.com/phang-nga/phang-nga_attractions_town.html