Thursday, May 2, 2024

Krasnodar Region, Russia - Satellite Images Show Aftermath of Drone Strike

In this Newsweek article published on April 29, 2024 satellite remote sensing is used to capture a Russian military base in the Krasnodar Region before and after a drone strike by Ukrainian forces. In the first image, taken on March 19 taken 39 days before the drone strike (which occurred on April 27th), a plane and various other materials which are assumed to house glide bomb kits which are used to create precision guided missiles. This same area can than be seen later on April 28th one day after the attack covered in black explosive residue with the plane and glide bomb kits destroyed. This is a prime application of the Planet Satellites super high spatial resolution (3 meters) as it can be used to see details that would not be seen from other satellites. 

Article Link:

Friday, March 22, 2024

Remote Sensing in the News: Gaza Aid Massacre

     In this New York Times article from February 29, 2024, aerial photography is used to piece together the events that led up to the massacre of hundreds of civilians attempting to receive aid. The article references multiple examples of remotely sensed data. First, it references the drone footage published by the Israeli army. They note that this footage was spliced together and is missing key moments. Some of this footage is included in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Drone Footage from IDF

    Additionally, this article references social media videos and a video from Al Jazeera. This aims to fill in the gaps left from the IDF footage that cuts out certain sections. They combine this information with an aerial photo of the Gaza Strip to visualize the unfolded events. This is shown in Figure 2. 

Figure 2: Combing satellite data with other footage to visualize the tragic massacre of over 100 starving civilians attempting to receive aid. 

    The use of remotely sensed data and aerial photography is useful in this sense as it provides a full picture of the massacre rather than the parts the IDF wanted to be released. 

Link to article: 

Friday, March 1, 2024

Rising Sea Levels on the Beaches of Wildwood, New Jersey

 In late January, one of the beaches close to my childhood home had a massive erosion event from increased sea levels and storms. All throughout my life, my family always avoided Wildwood beach because it took so long to walk to a water from the boardwalk, about a quarter mile. However, less then 10 years later, the water is only a few hundred feet away from the boardwalk. Because the beach is so long, no sand dunes were put in place to help protect against the rising ocean, which has no become a pressing issue. While there was a plan to start creating more dunes in 2017, the project never started, and a retaining wall, or bulkhead, had started to be built instead, but even that was scrapped. Because of the most recent storms and rising sea levels, a new bulkhead project was proposed, but it would only start in 2025 or later, leaving the beach's residents and businesses at the mercy of mother nature. In an article written about the beach and potential upcoming project, the writers include a single image of Wildwood beach, combined from an image from 1995 and another from late 2023. The two images are from one area, and have been scaled and matched evenly side by side so that the 1995 image shows the left most part of the area and the 2023 image shows the right part of the area. This allows us to be able to see the true extent of the sea level rise from where the two images meet, rather than using two images from the same exact area with the same nadir. From these images, it's easy to see how much of a threat there is to multiple buildings at the end of 2023, which will only continue to get worse. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Destruction from the War in Ukraine


The Destruction from the War in Ukraine

The two images above depict the same neighborhood in Bakhumat, Ukraine. On top, you can see a neighborhood in Bakhumant that is full of green vegetation, houses, and cars on the road. Below the first image is what this exact neighborhood looked like after the battle of Bakhumant, one of the deadliest battles that lasted almost seven months. There are few live trees and bushes, only the remnants of buildings, and a fallen radio tower that detail the damage left. The destruction of the war in Ukraine on Bakhumant can be easily seen through a comparison of these two images. 

This image is actually a map made with radar data from Sentinel 1, with the red markings depicting fallen or damaged buildings in Bakhumat at the date indicated in the right hand corners. Analysts have used these images to track urban warfare in the Ukrainian War, specifically in long battles like the one that occurred in Bakhumat. The bombing campaigns of the Russians had completely destroyed the city by April of 2023, and are what led to the checkerboard pattern in March of 2023. 

The image above is of a different part of Ukraine that shows three battles during the war. But, the idea is still the same - red represents damaged or completely demolished buildings. Analysts were able conclude that different tactics were used in these battles than that of Bakhumant, which is why the destruction patterns for the cities were different. For example, Lysychansk was encircled instead of pushed through with an advancing front, explaining the relatively little damage that occurred. 

This imagery and radar data is important for a few reasons. One, is that it offers a safe way to analyze the destruction and path of the battles that took place in Bakhumant. Remotely sensed imagery allows experts to analyze their contents from anywhere in the globe, protecting their safety during times of great unrest. Analysis of these photos can show the extent of the damage caused by a single battle, which in turn can help locate where the aid is needed for civilians or what parts of a city may need relocating. It is also possible to detect the military tactics of the Russians, as demonstrated using the radar data. Knowing different advancement tactics can better prepared Ukrainian forces for upcoming battles and potentially give them an advantage. Finally, these images and maps are striking visuals for those not involved in the war directly. It can give you a sense of the sheer demolition that is occuring in Ukraine without putting you in harms way to see it. These visuals are important to help Ukraine receive more humanitarian aid, military support, and alliances to ensure their success in the war. 

Article Link:

Monday, February 19, 2024

Inferring Reef Biodiversity with Satellite-Derived Maps

A 2024 study developed a method to predict reef biodiversity using remote sensing. Satellite imagery was  used to develop maps that identify distinct marine habitats in the Fulaga Atoll of Fiji. This data was compared with measurements of the biodiversity of fish and coral collected by field researchers. The study found that areas of high habitat diversity had a positive correlation with areas of high biodiversity. The first of the four images below is a true-color image of the atoll, and the three following images are satellite-derived maps that assign a particular color to a distinct physical or biological region in the atoll. Areas of high habitat diversity have a relative abundance of colors per unit of area, and appear to have a more fine texture in which different colors are less distinguishable. Areas of low habitat diversity, on the other hand, have one or relatively few colors per unit of area, and are represented by single, smooth patches of color. A couple of regions, like ‘land’ and ‘sand’ are easy to identify in the true color image, but the maps make the habitats markedly easier to identify. This method could be used to infer measurements of biodiversity at other reef sites, at a much lower cost than deploying researchers in the field.  

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Venezuela-Guyana Border Crisis (2024)


By Ethan Tsvayg


In December 2023, after the discovery of oil in the Essequibo Region of Guyana, 

Venezuela, who has held claims to the region for centuries, passed a controversial 

referendum to annex the region as a part of Venezuela, and seems to be planning 

for a ground invasion to control the land. This article from the Guardian refers to a 

report by the Center For Strategic And International Studies (CSIS), which talks 

about the increase in military force near the Venezuela-Guyana border, through 

satellite aerial photos. Here we see six photos showing the increase in military 

presence through two slides comparing aerial photos from before and now, and

two aerial photos. With this aerial information, a Venezuelan military invasion of 

Guyana seems likely, unfortunately. Hopefully, things will de-escalate between the 

two nations, and peace ensues.



The first image compares an area around Rio Cuyuni between December 2023 and 

January 2024 toshow the change in usage. On the left we see the river in a natural 

state, with sediment being carried by the river as natural, thus causing a brown

color. On the right, due to the passage of large vehicles, a ferrybarge, and storage 

unit were built. The left shows mainly civilian usage, while the right shows heavy 

military usage, and with the dirt runoff from the new storage sites, the color of the 

river has changed to a gray color.

The second image compares the Ananoco Island military base in Venezuela from 2021 

to January 2024. On the left, it shows a small platoon, with little movement and damage. 

On the right we see a large military group, with many more barracks and field office 

buildings. We even had a small base expansion, showing more military expansion. 

Interestingly if you look at the ground, on the left it used to be grassy, due to low 

usage, while now, it's much more dirt, due to the vehicle tracks and heavy use. 


The third image shows the Anacoco Airfield as of January 2024, which is having a 

surge in military activity, as seen by the tire tracks from the sensing imagery. Tire tracks 

usually indicate recent plane activity, especially as seen on a dirt runway. We can see 

a helicopter in this photo, showing more activity from the Venezuelan military.

The last image shows the Port of Guiria as of January 2024, but you can see that the 

usage of a Coast Guard port has increased significantly. You can see the size of the 

Coast Guard fleet, with a large patrol boat, and three fast patrol boats, which all arrived 

recently, according to the article. The boats in the back seem like small Coast Guard 

boats are being replaced by bigger patrol boats. With the article stating that this port 

will become a naval air station, it seems that the Venezuelan military will use this base 

as a point to attack Guyana.


Article Link (Guardian):


Article Link (CSIS):


Friday, February 9, 2024

The ongoing eruptions in Iceland

How to use maps and images to show an ongoing natural disaster to people.

Feb 08, 2024

Yulong Jiao

    The editor used a total of four maps or photos in this article. Each one tells a complete story. Moreover, the entire article is structured around maps and photos.

    First of all, the function of the first map is to introduce some basic information about the country of Iceland, such as population, land shape, location of the national capital, and glacier coverage area. Moreover, the author also added some text and labels to this map, which provide a good introduction to the background and location of this volcanic eruption.

    Next, the second image is an aerial image from an Icelandic government agency. This photo, with the help of text, shows the specific impact of this eruption very well, and also introduces the topography of the eruption site. The black color and stone-like texture are magma that has erupted and is cooling. The magma spreads along the ridges and valleys due to gravity.

    The third map is a map with many information elements. The map shows the lava flows that GrindavĂ­k has experienced since 2021. The most notable of these are lava flows in 2023 and 2024. The lava flow in 2023 forced the local government to start building defensive walls to prevent the magma from destroying the city's construction.

    The fourth photo is also an aerial image. This image shows a lava flow on January 14, 2024, breaching part of the defensive wall and causing damage or even destroying three houses. The white regular patterns at the bottom of the image are local houses. It can be clearly seen that a small amount of red fluid magma has covered and engulfed some houses. This image nicely illustrates the impact of volcanic eruptions on local residents.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Construction of a Nuclear Test Base in Lop Nur, in northwest China

Old nuclear testing sites in Lop Nur. At the beginning of the article, there is a scrolling map which includes text callouts and inset images to show more detailed images of certain features. This sets up a visual for readers, and the action of the screen moving across the landscape allows us to get a sense of the scale of the project. The authors also labeled features that may not be obviously identifiable from such a distance, such as roads and tunnels, in order to facilitate readers’ understanding.

Facility in Lop Nur speculated to be used for nuclear-related activities. This image provides a closer view of the buildings and rural landscape and their muted tones, allowing readers to visualize the testing site at a more detailed level than the previous scrolling map.

New buildings added or renovated in Malan, the nuclear support base in Lop Nur, since 2017. The map quickly conveys the amount of new facilities that have been put to use, indicating growth in the nuclear testing project.

The structure of this article is effective in displaying satellite images throughout and explaining how they provide evidence that China is building a nuclear test base in this region. The images are especially effective in providing a strong visual for what a nuclear testing site looks like, something that not all readers may be familiar with, and depicting change and increased construction over the last few years. 

The use of remote sensing is important in this situation as it allows for the rest of the world to get information about something that China may not otherwise disclose, in a place that might not otherwise be accessible for journalists. This is something that raises security concerns regarding nuclear weapon use, and satellite imagery enables the development to be tracked.

One of the questions these satellite images do not answer is whether people are affected by this development. The satellite images show a barren, empty landscape around the nuclear satellite, but do not indicate where the nearest towns are and whether they are close enough for people there to be affected by health hazards from nuclear testing. 

From the New York Times, “China Quietly Rebuilds Secretive Base for Nuclear Tests”

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Increased Threats from Glacial Retreat

Climate changed has influenced various processes and the composition of various biomes around the world. One of the most affected areas are glaciers, with mountain glaciers all around the world experiencing immense amounts of retreat. Apart from losing hundreds of miles of glacial cover, the tragedy continues through the increased occurrence of flash flooding due to the glacial waters increasing river flow below and breaking through rock an d debris that once acted as a dam.

Thousands of individuals have been lost to these floods in various parts of the world including the Himalayas and Andes. Efforts to mitigate these threats are being looked into by the Swiss, Canadian, and Indian governments. Most recently, there were possibilities of similar catastrophes occurring Alaska.

The use of remote sensing could help to predict where certain areas are of risk. This may also inform governments of the appropriate preventative measures that could be taken to either evacuate communities or push forward construction projects to deter water from flooding specific areas.   

The image above displays how glaciers had melted in the Himalayan Mountains, consequently adding to the water volume of the Rishiganga River and flooding the village of Raini. This image was created by Planet Labs. 

Original Article:

Warehouse Explosion in Beirut: Before and After


These images show the state of a seaside warehouse in Beirut, Lebanon before and after a    massive explosion. The explosion was caused when a crate of ammonium nitrate caught fire. As the image shows a massive crater is left along with heavy damage to buildings around it. These satellite images complete devastation to the port and the buildings around it, along with a ship that was blown out of the water and onto the dockside. These images are important for disaster diagnosis and prevention along with emphasizing the importance of locating dangerous materials in a populated place.                    imagery-shows-318495